Listed below are the many opportunities available to you to 
get involved with the Great Banquet.   

Remember, each weekend takes 10,000 volunteer hours!
Get involved and watch God change lives!


Three volunteers are needed to greet and check-in guests.   Please arrive at 6:30 on Thursday evening.   
Contact:   Kim Morse at blim419@comcast.net.


One check-in volunteer and six luggage porters are needed.   Please arrive at 6:30 on Thursday evening.  Porters will retrieve luggage and bedding from arriving guests, locate their name on the room assignment list and take their luggage and bedding to their room.
Contact:  Kim Morse at blim419@comcast.net.


Set up and take down beds, tables and chairs.  Set-up begins at 8:15 on the Wednesday evening prior to the banquet and continues at various times throughout the weekend.  Take-down begins on Sunday morning during the banquet and continues after closing.  
Contact:  Ted Pratchios at 904-392-8420 or theodore.pratchios@gmail.com or
Wendy Pratchios at 904-386-8698 or wendy.pratchios@gmail.com


Did you know that agape is accepted year-round?  You don't have to wait until just before the Great Banquet weekends to make your agape!  Did you also know we need approximately 32 different types of agape to deliver throughout the weekend?   When making agape, we need 65 pieces of whatever you are making.   Please consider having your reunion group, bible study, couples group or dinner friends make agape for the upcoming weekends.   Plan a get-together and make some agape!
See more information about making agape under the "Agape Information" button at the bottom of the Community Only section.
Contact:  Iris Cruice at viriswood@bellsouth.net.


Sign up for the 24-hour prayer vigil!   Select the "Prayer Vigil Sign-Ups" button at the bottom of the Community Only section of this website.   Remember how you felt when you learned that someone was praying specifically for you every minute of your weekend?   
Now, you can do that for someone else!


Please go to the "Guests and Team Lists" button at the bottom of the Community Only section of this website for a list of the current guests and team.    The guests lists are available approximately one week before the weekend.  Prior to the weekend, letters may be dropped off at the Mandarin Presbyterian Church Mandarin Road campus in the workroom.  Throughout the weekends and up until noon on Sunday, letters may be dropped off at the Mandarin Presbyterian Church Mandarin Road campus in the main office area.


Volunteers are needed to direct people to the appropriate parking areas on the Loretto Road campus and to greet people and hand out candles at the door before they enter the sanctuary.   Please arrive on the Loretto Road campus at 7:15 on Saturday evening.
Contact:   Pam and Mark Nelson at PamelaGerrish@yahoo.com 


We are still in need of some new and fresh banners!  When you make your banner, please make sure you include the name of your reunion group and a short message to be read to the guests during the weekend.   More information about the banners can be found under the "Agape Information" button at the bottom of the Community Only section.
Contact: Iris Cruice at viriswood@bellsouth.net.


Guests LOVE the snacks you provide for our Great Banquet weekends!   
We can always use homemade goodies, individually packaged snacks, water, Coke, Diet Coke, Sprite or Diet Sprite. 
Contact:  Matt Minota or matt.s.minota@gmail.com


Occasionally, a sponsor is needed for a registered guest who does not have one.
Contact:  Thad and Stacy Gilder at stacygilder@gmail.com 


Extra hands are needed to plate food, load the dishwasher, wash pots and pans and general kitchen clean-up.  Please report a half an hour before the meal time and plan to stay for a half an hour after.  Volunteer times are listed under the Servers/Launderers section below.
Contact:  Sandy Messer at sandy9965@gmail.com.


Servers are needed to assist with all meals in two-hour time slots.   
If you have a spouse, close relative or someone you are sponsoring who is a guest on the weekend, PLEASE wait until Sunday to serve. 
Launderers pick up soiled linens in the kitchen on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Contact:  Maria Valdes at  mrvaldes85@gmail.com



7:15am - 9:15am

12:00 noon - 2:00pm

5:00pm - 7:00pm


7:00am - 9:00am

12:00 noon - 2:00pm

4:45pm - 6:45pm


7:30am - 9:30am
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